3D Implants, Future of Tumor and Cancer Surgery

Fahad Mulyana . January 29, 2019
Image result for rmit 3d printing cancer
A large Australian research project recently used 3D implants and robotic surgery. Which will radically advance the way doctors treat tumors and bone cancer. It is also expected to be able to improve health services and the results obtained by patients. The "Just in time implants" project that has been running for five years. Bringing together the Australian Government, RMIT University, Sydney University of Technology (UTS), St.Vincent Hospital Melbourne and Stryker's global medical technology company. With funding of more than $ 12.1 million in research efforts, this work was funded by Stryker and IMCRC. Chaired by Prof. Milan Brandt from RMIT, this project will combine 3D printing, robotic operations and sophisticated manufacturing to make  3D implants specifically designed for patients with bone cancer and tumors. "Our goal is to bring technology to the operating room," Brandt said. "When a patient's cancer is removed in the operating room. In the next room, we print a custom 3D implant to precisely fill the space left over from removing the affected bone." Professor of St Vincent's Hospital, Peter Choong said, "Just in time implants" will change the provision of care for people with bone cancer. By combining special imaging techniques, 3D Printing, and surgical accuracy with the help of robots. They aim to give implants made in time. So the surgeon is able to remove cancer and repair the patient's bones in just one operation.

"Our Goal Is To Bring Technology to the Theatre,"

Image result for mrit 3d print tumor
This new process represents a major change in the way of designing, manufacturing, distributing implants. If the design and manufacture of implants need to be carried out long before the operation begins. But now, 3D implants can also be designed, made, and used directly along with when the surgical removal takes place. "This is the future of 3D implants and robotic surgery," said Director, Research and Development for Stryker South Pacific Rob Wood. "We are very excited about this project and the tremendous benefits this research will provide to patients in Australia and around the world."

Future of Implants and Operations

Professor Emmanuel Josserand said the project would also have a broader impact on business and the economy. Because of Australia's transition from traditional manufacturing to more advanced manufacturing. "Not only will there be direct business opportunities for Australian companies to become medical suppliers. But there will also be opportunities for the technology and manufacturing knowledge developed in this project to transfer from time to time to other local industries," Josserand said. "Such advanced manufacturing capabilities will ensure a competitive advantage for Australian businesses, domestically and internationally." Source: MRIT
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