Just Like Instagram Stories, You Can Now Swipe Videos in YouTube

Adi Arriansyah . January 15, 2019
Just Like Instagram Stories, You Can Now Swipe Videos in YouTube

Just Like Instagram Stories, You Can Now Swipe Videos in YouTube
Teknologi.id - We’ve all wasted hours watching recommended videos on YouTube, but now the company is making it even easier to procrastinate your time away. Starting this week, you’ll be able to swipe videos in YouTube to navigate through recommended videos.
a man sitting on a bus
With each swipe forward you’ll see a new recommend video. Swipe back to return right where you left off on the previous video.It’s basically YouTube’s take on something like Snapchat or Instagram’s stories, which have popularized swiping across video content horizontally.

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It should theoretically make it just a little bit easier and faster to find something to watch – pretty much the 2019 version of channel surfing. YouTube says 70 percent of viewing time happens on mobile, so it makes sense the company would try to maximize its content’s binge-factor.
a screenshot of a cell phone

Credit: The Next Web
The feature is rolling out to iOS this week. No word on when it’ll hit Android, but it just wait for time to show up. (DWK)
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