WeWalk 'Smart' Cane For People With Visual Impairments

Fahad Mulyana . January 18, 2019
According to WHO data, it is estimated that there are more than 250 million blind people in the world and 50 million of them use white canes. Since the beginning of the use of cane aids have never been innovated. And blind people always face problems like obstacles in their chest height. WeWALK solves this problem and offers more convenience through smartphone integration.
Normal social life for People With Visual Impairments is not impossible! With this 'sophisticated' white cane, blind people do not need to be afraid to take a walk out of the house. Unlike white canes in general, WeWalk can provide vibrations on both sides of the cane. Thanks to ultrasonic sensor technology that is able to detect obstacles around its users. With a range of sensors reaching 4 meters, the user does not need to worry anymore there will be obstacles at chest height and even his head. It is not easy for people to always check their cellphones or ask where they are going.

Integrated with a Smartphone

WeWalk, is equipped with a microphone and speaker integrated with the smartphone user. This application is connected via Bluetooth, like Google Maps users can use their cellphones without needing to take it from their pocket. So that the other user's hands are free. Touchpad on a white cane, allows blind people to control posel in a way they know. In the future, developers plan to provide integration with this sophisticated white cane. Voice Assistants like Siri or online transportation like Uber are a few examples.
All these advanced technologies are thanks to the collaboration of experts from the company Vestal and Young Guru Academy. "WeWalk is not just a goal, WeWalk is a tool that helps equalize people who are blind, so we can live like normal people." Said Cürsat Ceylan, a blind person from birth. This is an innovation that is very helpful for blind people. With this tool they do not need to be afraid of security, if they go out alone. WeWalk can be ordered through an Indiegogo crowdfunding website at a price of USD 349 per unit. Source: WeWalk
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