Chanco, Babies Who Have Bushy and Unique Hair

Fahad Mulyana . January 24, 2019
Chanco, Bayi Berambut Lebat dan Unik ini Viral! - Dense and healthy baby hair is certainly a dream for all parents in the world. Understandably, babies are born with thin and uneven hair. But it is different from 'Chanco', a thick-haired baby from Japan. This very adorable baby has unique thick and fluffy hair like a tree in the series The Lorax. Chanco even went viral on Instagram social media after the mother often uploaded photos. Do not stop there, this bushy-haired baby was lined up to become a model for Pantene shampoo when she was only 1 year old. All of this started when the @babychanco Instagram account first uploaded a photo on May 1, 2018. In the upload of the mother, it appeared that Chanco's hair was stretching and ULTRA was adorable.
This is a portrait of Chanco when he was 5 months old, looks so sweet and the innocence of an ULTRA baby is adorable. Even though it's only been 5 months, but as seen in the picture above, the hair is very large and thick.

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Currently the Instagram account has been followed by 388 thousand users. Not surprisingly, because a dense-haired baby born 23 December 2017 has succeeded in making a lot of people nervous! "I was very surprised by the reaction (which appeared), but also very proud of the praise that came from various countries," said Mami Kano, quoted from People.
Since viral and appeared in People magazine, Pantene was also interested in making Chanco an advertising model in the #HairWeGo campaign. In January last year, Chanco's first ad was accompanied by TV presenter Sato Kondo, released in Japan. "We immediately contacted his mother because Chanco's personality and special character suited the image of the woman we want to support," said Yoshiaki Okura, Associate Brand Director for P & G Japan Hair Care.

Created a Short Film Titled "The Hairy Tale"

In addition to the advertisement, Chanco also made a kind of short semi-illustrated film that was aired on YouTube. The film is titled The Hairy Tale. The 2-minute film tells about babies who have unique and thick hair from the womb. After the baby was born, his mother fell in love with her hair.
Mami Kano claimed to feel sorry to cut her baby girl's hair, especially not just someone who loves her daughter's hair. "I prefer to keep her hair long and later I want to try a new hairstyle, like braids for example," Mami added. Then what is the secret of the mother so that Chanco's hair can be as unique as that? It is not known how. The development of fetal hair starts around the age of 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. But how thick or thin the baby's hair is at birth or what the texture and color of his hair is, is rooted in his parents' genes. Source: Kumparan (FM)
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