RAGI Official Opening Day

Arya Diputra . January 22, 2019

RAGI Opening Day
Today (22nd January 2019), RAGI or known as Ruang Aksi Game Indonesia is officially open for the public. Many attendants came, including from Government where Bekraf also came to attend the opening. The event itself was held at Block 71 or known as Innovation Factory at Bandung, Indonesia. Although most participants came from Game Developer, media also come such as from teknologi.id. Block 71 starts the opening, following it is Narendra Wicaksono, the Leader of Asosiasi Game Indonesia or known as AGI, and lastly is Mr. Hari Santosa Sungkari as a Deputy of Infrastructure for Bekraf.

RAGI as Headquarters for Game Developer

Ribbon cutting
Game Developer who is listed on AGI can register themself to work at RAGI at Innovation Factory, Dago, Bandung, Indonesia. It becomes the first headquarters for all Game Developer who wants to work at co-working space at Bandung. The event not only talks about the opening, but it also talks about the grand opening of RAGI itself. Once the speech and cutting the ribbon to make the opening official, they start to look around at RAGI's co-working area. It was spacious and any game developer that already register in AGI can apply here.

Showcase of Everidea and Agate Studio

Everidea Showcase

Valthirian Arc Agate Studio
Everidea and Agate Studio made a showcase for each of their own game. Agate Studio demonstrates Valthirian Arc, the game that went to a hot sales in the UK. Many participants come to try playing this game including Mr. Sungkari. He also tries playing a game from Everidea using Virtual Reality. Most of us are having fun to see the Deputy Infrastructure is using VR technology. However, he plays it well after he completes and drinks the coffee he made using VR.

Government Give Full Support For Game Developer

"Government will always support those who need our support. There are, however, requirements in order to request it," said Sungkari. The condition is it must be related to Creative Economy and has a good record where they start it two years ago. Additionally, those who seek help also need to plan out the next five years. The government then will screen out and select those who are eligible to earn it. Bekraf or known as Badan Ekonomi Kreatif is supporting RAGI through supply of hardware and necessary equipment. With a total of 1,7 billion after tax or 2 billion rupiahs before tax, it includes the renting for co-working space. With the opening itself, now government continues their commitment to support the Game Developer around Indonesia. Game Developer Bandung, the community made from every Game Developer at Bandung also takes part in this event. This weekend itself at 25th to 27th January, there will be Game Jam held at ITB or known as Institut Teknologi Bandung. The participants are all those who signed up at Dicoding. AMS
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