Google's Chrome Canvas, a Browser App for Quick Drawing Doodles

Adi Arriansyah . December 23, 2018

Google's Chrome Canvas. Credit: Android Police - Google has released a progressive web app named Chrome Canvas for making quick doodles. The web application allows you to save the drawn doodles to your Google Account. Chrome Unboxed first spotted Chrome Canvas app in the latest Chrome OS Dev builds, but the app is now available for all the browsers that support WebAssembly such as Firefox. The app is still hosted on a Chrome-specific URL and can be visited by typing in the URL box in a browser. The app offers a basic toolbar with pencil, pen, marker, chalk and an eraser tool for drawing doodles on a blank canvas or an image of your choice. You can also draw colorful doodles with the help of a color palette provided in the app. After finishing the doodle, you can export it in the form of a PNG file to your smartphone.
Hasil gambar untuk google chrome canvas

Google's Chrome Canvas is a browser app for quick doodles. Credit: Tech News Tube
Being a progressive web app, Chrome Canvas can be installed on your smartphone using Chrome for Android. If you are visiting the app from your Android smartphone, you will be prompted to add Chrome Canvas on your home screen, and it will be available as an app in your Android device. The app is swift to use and a delight for all the artists out there. Google’s Ink Library that is built with WebAssembly makes the app snappy and emulates a native app like performance on the web. (DWK)
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