Norman, The World’s First Psychopathic AI Created by MIT Scientists . September 28, 2018
A team of scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have built a psychopathic AI using image captions pulled from Reddit. They’ve named it Norman, inspired by “Norman Bates” from 1960s Alfred Hitchcock Movie “Psycho”. Though the Ai is oddly optimistic & lively but at the same time is a creepy. The robot,  can stares at you constantly and dares you to “explore what Norman sees”, find it out how dark and creepy Norman is here. Norman was a result of an experiment conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of technology to find how an AI will react when trained on data from all the dark corners of our net and what would be the AI’s view on the world through that data set. Norman is a proof of the theory that the data set which is used to train the AI would affect his behavior to a great level. Norman is a particular type of AI program that can "look at" and "understand" pictures, and then describe what it sees in writing. So, after being trained on some particularly gruesome image captions, it performed the Rorschach test, which is the series of inkblots psychologists use to analyze the mental health and emotional state of their patients. Norman's responses were then compared to those of a second AI, trained on more family-friendly images of birds, cats, and people. The differences between the two are stark. Researchers have further explained that Norman AI reacts in this way because he was exposed to almost all the darkest corners of Reddit. This experiment of Norman also proves the dangers an AI can possess when subjected to the biased data set and using them in Machine Learning Algorithms. Norman is an AI which is specifically limited to captioning of Images, a popular deep Learning method generally referred as Image Classification in which AI provides relative text to the picture given to him. Beside the dark data sat Norman was also exposed to a dark Reddit documentary which was dedicated to note and observe the disturbing realities of a death and causes of it. After it was trained through this data set, as shown in the link they compared the Norman AIs captioning with the regular AI’s and the vast difference in which they classified the image could be noticed without any problem. Source: Technotification, IFL Science! You Might Also Like: Elon Musk is Sued by SEC Over Securities Fraud.
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